Butt, butt, butt, butt, butt!!!! Don’t ya just love a good butt 🙂 To quote Donkey, “I like big butt……..”, well – mine anyway! But it doesn’t really matter what shape or size – we’ve all got one! So how then do we take care of it and the rest of our glorious bods?!?

I don’t know about you but I am constantly and I mean constantly reminded how unfit and overweight I am. If it’s not my 8 year old (he keeps suggesting I go on Biggest Loser), it’s my family or the media (all sorts) or the diet companies or the fitness centres or the medical profession or the clothing industry or the models or the eating disorder units (obese is classed as an eating disorder and apparently I do fit in that category – yeah I know, the photo………….that was taken 13 years ago and holds very little resemblance to the person I have become) or the dentist (bad food rots your teeth) or the friends that are getting in shape and have started calling me Norm (anyone else old enough to remember that one)!!!!!! Well, I have something to say to the lot of you! Are you listening? I mean really listening?

I have finally found out what I’ve been doing wrong all these years and feel it is my duty to inform all people in my situation of this horrid mistake we’ve all been making………………………………….. 


Now don’t you wish you knew that years ago?!?! We need to get the message out there people. How on earth are we to make a stand against ‘the weight loss industry’ if we don’t have the facts!

Well – now you do. Go forth, spread the word, share this post. The more people we reach – the less people they can try to manipulate! God speed……